Classy Fiesta, Australian-Style




Feasts are a big part of different cultures. There are those that celebrate it by not leaving their houses and staying indoors thankful for a bountiful harvest. There are those where the streets are closed off to traffic for the benefit of using the roads as extra space for housing visitors or for setting up stages for various programs.

The point is, everybody loves festivals! There’s lots of food. Every festival has a positive vibe to it because it’s in celebration of something. Drinks come aplenty, from beer to high-end wine. Roars of laughter will erupt from different tables every now and then.

Each culture has its own way of doing feasts, however. If you want a good old Australian-style food and wine festival, then there are lots that go by each year. There’s always one that seems to stand out, however, and it is Tasting Australia.

The event will be in Adelaide from April 27th to May 4th. It offers a lot to satisfy everyone’s palettes. There’s good food, and there’s wine. If, like me, you’re a fan of both, this event isn’t to be missed; especially if you’re already in Adelaide. If you decide to go, make sure you are in appropriate attire.


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